DRI Armour Collection Vest - Bones


DRI Armour Collection Vest - Bones

from $500.00
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  • Each vest is made to order

  • Hand-crafted

  • Hand-carved graphics

  • Premium black veg-tanned leather

  • 5oz (2mm) thickness leather

  • Braided edges

  • Stainless steel rivets and straps (can be customized or removed)

  • Adjustable

  • Silver US half-dollar coin buttons

Customization  Options

  • Leather straps or chain extenders

  • Silver US half-dollar buttons or others depending on availability

  • This vest features unique deep 3D hand carving pattern

Order Process

  • Choose the vest you prefer

  • Provide your graphic you like

  • Provide your measurements (A, B, C, D, E)

  • We evaluate and offer a price based on complexity, or we will say we can't do it

  • You choose the complexity option accordingly and make purchase

Waiting Time

Once an order is accepted, we start cutting leather, making the vest, carving the back panel (if ordered), packaging and delivering it to you in a beautiful box. The whole procedure may take from three to six weeks.